Fond du Lac County 4-H Horse and Pony Project
1. Name: Fond du Lac County 4-H Horse and Pony Project
2. Mission of 4-H: Enriching youth, families, and communities through citizenship, leadership and life skill experiences.
3. Purpose of the Project: To provide life time skills and learning experiences for the 4-H Horse and Pony Project members, their families and their leaders.
4. Nonprofit Status: This is a nonprofit organization. Any funds received by the project for carrying out its purpose shall not accrue to the benefit of individuals, but to the benefit of the 4-H Youth.
5. Membership: Horse and Pony project members belonging to a Fond du Lac County 4-H club in good standings.
No person shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, religion, disability, age, marital or parental status, pregnancy, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry be excluded from participation in 4-H Horse Project activities.
Release of Liability form must be completed by each member and returned to the Sergeant of Arms by February meeting of project year to be eligible to participate at any Horse Project related activity. Release of Liability form must be signed by both parents or legal guardians.
6. Meetings: Membership meetings will be held in association with calendar of events distributed to the project members in January of Project year.
The Adult and Youth Board meetings will be held the first Monday of the month from October thru September of the project year. These meetings are open to all. A request to be on the agenda for Board meetings must be submitted to the President prior to the meeting.
Four meetings (not including the July meeting), the July Mandatory meeting, two hours of a clinic, two fundraisers, and all required paperwork are mandatory in order to exhibit a horse at the County Fair, or receive any compensation (awards, fees for education, trips, etc) with horse project funds. You must sign in and stay for a minimum of two hours at the clinic and fundraisers to have it count towards your requirements.
A. Volunteer committee persons are to perform specific duties as needed. The committee must report back to the Board of Directors for approval. Then the Board makes final approval.
B. All committees will have at least one 4-H approved adult leader.
7. Governing Body: The composition of the governing board/body will be the Adult and Youth Board of Directors consisting of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sergeant at Arms, four Adult Board and two Youth Board Members.
The Officers and Board Members will be elected by a majority vote of members present at a membership meeting held in October. Both the Adult Board and Youth Board shall hold office for a two year term, beginning January 1st. A youth can not run for the office they are currently vacating for the next project year.
All active members are eligible to run for office and vote. Voting is by a majority rule and done by secret ballot. All elected adult board members must have the best interest and welfare of the Youth in mind, and be a registered Volunteer by the time they take office. A registered volunteer must complete the following:
Attend a Volunteer in Preparation (VIP) training class
Pass a criminal background check. This is done at the initial time of volunteering as well as every 4 years.
Annually sign a volunteer behavior expectation and assumption of risk form - you complete this through the online registration process
Complete the online UW-Extension volunteer mandated reporter training
When vacancies occur on the board of Directors during the course of the year the position will be filled by the Board of Directors Appointment.
8. Duties of Elected Officials:
President’s duties;
A. Oversee all meetings for the Project and the leaders in the project to include committee’s.
B. Horse Barn Fair Superintendent (approved by Fair Board).
C. The President will vote in the event of a tie.
D. Chair the Scholarship Committee.
Vice President’s Duties;
A. Assist the President as necessary in all duties.
B. Serve in the absence of the President at any general or board of directors meetings.
C. Secure stall reservations and assignments for the Fond du Lac County Fair.
D. Post duty roster in the barn for the Fair.
Secretary’s Duties;
A. Record minutes at membership and board of directors meetings.
B. Submits all correspondence for the project.
C. Accepts State Fair entries, and submits forms and fees to the State Horse Assn.
D. Send out all email correspondence to members as needed and post pertinent information on Facebook.
Treasurer’s Duties;
A. Collect and disburse funds as needed.
B. Maintain records regarding accounts.
C. Oversee committee to develop the annual budget.
Sergeant at Arms Duties;
A. Monitors the sign in sheet at membership meetings and keep attendance records.
B. Collects Forms, when due by their perspective due dates.
Reporter’s Duties;
A. Acquire information on functions, events, awards, and recognitions to promote the project to local newspapers and magazines.
B. In charge of monthly door prize. Collecting names and having items to hand out.
Adult Board Members Duties;
A. Contribute to the policy and decision making at all board and general meetings.
B. Anything assigned by President
Youth Board Members duties; Contribute to the policy and decision making at all board and general meetings.
9. Nominations and Elections:
A. Nominations, written or verbal will be accepted through the October meeting. Written votes must be signed, and in two sealed envelopes to be accepted.
B. Youth member nominees may be any age.
C. All officers will be elected by a majority vote of members or others in good standings, present at the October meeting.
D. Adult officer must attend 10 out of the 12 board meetings. If officers are not fulfilling their duties, they may be removed by a secret ballot vote of members following, ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER.
10. Project Assets:
A. A monthly financial statement shall be presented at each regularly scheduled board meeting. An audit will be conducted at least annually or at the change of Treasurer by an approved auditor not serving on the governing board. The audit and financial record shall be submitted to the County Extension Office, and tax forms have to be filed every year.
11. Amendments:
A. This constitution may be amended at the end of the calendar year at a meeting at which 2/3 vote cast by those in attendance, providing notice has been given at the previous meeting.
12. Dissolution:
A. Upon the dissolution of the association, any and all assets remaining shall be conveyed to a 4-H Youth Development program or 4-H Youth Development Foundation as selected by the affirmative vote of the majority of members entitled to vote.